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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-278103

Jumping can reset player's velocity


    • Unconfirmed
    • (Unassigned)

      I know that the MC-259487 has reported this bug. But that ticket should be linked to this one because it now causes more negative effects that the old tickets haven't mentioned.


      1. Take a veloctiy change ( Such as: Mob knock back, wind charge )

      2. Jump immediately


      You have to jump at the tick that you takes the velocity change. For example, you can launch a wind charge downwards and jump as soon as the wind charge hits the ground.

      Why should this bug be fixed?:

      1.  [In Survival] With the addition of wind charge, players can now jump higher by using the wind charge. And they can jump much more higher by jumping when they use wind charge. But this bug is unintuitive and will confuse players. They will find that sometimes wind charge doesn't boost them at all.
      2.  [In Combat] This bug has become a pvp mechanic called "Jump Reset" which allows players take less knock back than they should. Similar to the wind charge , this bug also makes knock back unintuitive. It also allows cheaters to take no knock back, and they can't be detected by anti cheat.
      3. [Others] This bug disables some custom features that depend on speed changes. For example, if you want to make a jump pad which allows players to jump boost when they jump on it, this bug will reset the velocity change from the jump pad.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            LoliColleen LoliColleen
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