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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-277780

Minecraft resaves all maps with every autosave even after the 1st patch


    • Plausible
    • Maps, Performance, Save Data
    • Normal
    • Platform

      Steps to reproduce

      1. Open a world with many locked maps, or create one with an empty map and a glass pane in a cartography table, and duplicate it in the data folder to have a good quantity of locked maps. You can check that they are with tools like nbtexplorer.
      2. Place a map in an item frame to force game to load it
      3. Wait for auto-save

      Observed Behavior

      The game slows down a lot, freezes and eventually crashes. This is because it tries to re-save all the maps that have been loaded, even though they are locked and therefore unable to change. Some map.dat file is also corrupted during an unsuccessful backup.

      Expected behavior

      The game shouldn't try to re-save locked maps.


      This has a particular impact on data pack creations, especially those that use maps to display videos in-game.

      For example, with datapack(BA.zip) and maps(data.zip) generated using McMovieMaker to display a video in the game, causes a freeze of over minute (at least with my configuration and 8GB RAM) as soon as the game tries to autosave. Video with internal debugger, my resource monitor, live logs, detailed logs (lastest.log) and the data of the maps used (they are clones except for the color tags).

        1. BA.zip
          84 kB
        2. data.zip
          1.58 MB

            Unassigned Unassigned
            nathanael.buendi nathanael.buendi
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