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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-273997

Crafters are in the tags minecraft:needs_stone_tool, minecraft:incorrect_for_gold_tool and minecraft:incorrect_for_wooden_tool tags, despite being allowed to drop by hand


    • Community Consensus
    • Data Packs, Items
    • 1262382
    • Expansion B

      The crafter has these tags, despite the fact you can break it with hand:

      • minecraft:incorrect_for_gold_tool
      • minecraft:incorrect_for_wooden_tool
      • minecraft:needs_stone_tool

      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. Look at a crafter with the debug screen.

      Expected Result:

      The crafter should not have these tags, because it is intended for a crafter to be breakable by hand.

      Observed Results:

      The crafter is shown with these block tags:

      • minecraft:incorrect_for_gold_tool
      • minecraft:incorrect_for_wooden_tool
      • minecraft:needs_stone_tool


            Unassigned Unassigned
            TheMightyDark TheMightyDark
            6 Vote for this issue
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