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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-272961

Unable to join multiplayer servers and unable to change minecraft username and skin


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • 1.20.6
    • None
    • Minecraft Website, Minecraft Main Menu and Server Menu
    • Unconfirmed
    • (Unassigned)

      My account was recently hacked and so I changed my Microsoft email by adding another email and removing the original one. I also changed my password in this process. The hacker had changed my Minecraft username. So with my account recovered, I made an attempt to change the username back once the username became available again.

      However, once I signed in onto the minecraft website to change my name under My Account > Profile > My Games > Minecraft: Java Edition > Profile Name, when I try clicking Profile Name it does not redirect me to the appropriate page. Instead, the page just refreshes and for some reason loses the option to change my name and instead says "Buy Now". This confuses me as I have purchased the game. Why is it asking me to buy it again?

      At this point, I am quite confused so I try to join a Minecraft server to see if anything has happened. But whenever I try to join a server, I am met with an error page attached below.

      I suspect something has happened with my Microsoft account when I changed the emails. Something must have wen't wrong that is not allowing Minecraft to function properly.

      I hope this is the right place to seek help because there seems to be no place other than here I found that I can contact for support.

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            Awzzz Awzzz
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