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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-272411

Reopening of MC-272196


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • 1.20.6
    • None
    • Unconfirmed
    • (Unassigned)

      MC-272195 Reopeing


      this is a reopening of this issue as the solution provided to me by SlicedLime did not in fact work at all


      below is a screenshot of both my firewall security and port forwarding setup, this has been running perfectly fine since version 1.19.0 


      and all of a sudden when installing Java 21 nothing wants to work anymore. Aswell servers below MC Ver 1.20 do not function as they are incompatible with Java 21.


      I have attempted the solution proposed BUT nothing happened as there was no prompt for firewall access. This is getting extremely out of hand.


      I am loosing players because of this update. Why isnt there a guide for pre 1.20 servers on how to function on Java 21???


      Tell me what I am doing wrong here, because from what I see nothing I have done is wrong and the update to Java 21 has ruined everything. 


      I want answers not someone beating around a bush.


      Heck if you want to we can hop in a discord vc and I can show you that this is not a firewall issue, Im getting complaints daily because the new Java version refuses to cooperate. There is NO popup on install of Java 21 using the Windows Installer provided by Oracle. There is something fundimentally wrong with 1.20.6 


      Original Post:

      Updated my server to 1.20.6 and I am unable to join it.  Getting the error Connection timed out: getsockopt .


      Please note I have tried many different server software and have gotten the same issue. My current tested versions are as follows: Vanilla, Paper, Spigot, Fabric, and Purpur.

      I have also tested various clients, clients I have tested follows: Vanilla and Fabric (With and without mods)


      On my pc I have java SE, java, javaw, and javaw.exe with firewall permissions in both private and public. On the server host machine I have the same fields set. 


      =====OS and Java Ver=====

      My pc is running on Windows11, and has Java22 installed. 

      The server is running on Windows10server, and has Java22 installed.


      I have not changed anything on either pc when related to firewalls, port-forwarding, or IP [As I have a static IP Address].  As well when opening the Multiplayer tab there was no pop-up asking for Windows Firewall permissions, unlike every new version which asks for Windows Firewall permissions. 

      I have looked around many forums about this issue and their solution is to disable Windows Defender / Windows Firewall on the Host and Client. I do not wish to do that as it leaves many doors open for malicious attackers, both to my server and the people who play on the server.


      Please, if you see this we the community would like this fixed as soon as possible. 


      Thank you,



      As requested by a Mod here is a video of the issue on the left is my client trying to connect to the server on the right. You can see that the server doesn't recognize the client attempting to connect. While the client throws error GetSockOpt. This is not an IP issue as I can run server below 1.20.5+ without this issue. 


      Video: https://youtu.be/OtvuRXCnRqI


      Addition (Dunno if I should make this a new Report): Making my host machine use Java 21 or above  has stopped all servers below 1.20.0 from functioning.  This is getting out of hand.


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