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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-272336

Wind Charges only properly knock-back mounted mobs that are not controlled by the player


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • 24w21a
    • None
    • Unconfirmed
    • (Unassigned)

      Following the fix of MC-270573 (Which makes it now possible for mounted mobs such as horses to be knocked around with wind charges), a bug that behaves similarly to MC-121788 (Which was Fixed) can be noticed. Notably also similar to MC-269735.

      Steps to reproduce (for horse):
      -Tame a horse
      -Ride the horse
      -Throw wind charges below the horse while riding it
      -Notice that the horse moves upwards at the intended wind charge height in a fluid motion
      -Saddle the ridden horse
      -Throw wind charges below the horse while riding it (while you have control via saddle)
      -Notice that the horse is barely effected, moving in a rigid manner, about 2 - 3 blocks up at best.

      I believe this is related to the way the game treats mounts that are being "piloted" by players so to speak, as similarly, Pigs will hardly be effected by wind charge blasts if you are controlling them with a carrot on a stick. If you are not holding a carrot on a stick, the wind charges work as expected.

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            minecraftianjake Jacob the person
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