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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-271692

Running /tick freeze while using a totem leaves it on-screen


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Won't Fix
    • None
    • 24w18a, 1.20.6
    • Community Consensus
    • Commands

      The Bug

      When running the /tick freeze command as the Totem of Undying is on the screen when it revives you from death, it stays on the screen and does not disappear.

      It would be expected that even if the /tick freeze command runs while a totem is being used, the animation of it on-screen would continue normally, as it has no effect on other players, since they cannot see the totem. This also impairs the vision of the player who used the totem.

      How to Reproduce

      Hold a Totem of Undying in either your main-hand or off-hand. Make sure you are in Survival mode.

      Optional but recommended: Copy the /tick freeze command to your clipboard so that you can quickly run it as the totem is used.

      Now run the command below to kill the player and use the totem:

      /damage @s 100 minecraft:generic

      As the totem animation plays on-screen, quickly run the command below:

      /tick freeze

      Note how the totem animation does not disappear for you. If done at the right time, it can cover the majority of the screen and make it difficult to see. The only way to remove this effect is by pressing F1.

      Additional Notes

      This may be considered as a feature request, but I consider it to be a bug, since it impairs the vision of the user if they used a totem while running the command.

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            Arnav78 Viradex
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