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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-271539

Arrows deflected by a Breeze go through blocks and players/mobs


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Won't Fix
    • None
    • 24w14a, 1.20.6, 24w18a, 24w19b, 24w20a
    • Confirmed
    • Collision, Projectiles
    • 1235418
    • Expansion B

      The Bug

      Arrows deflected by a Breeze can go through a one-block-thick wall if the player shoots at it from close-up. They can also go through players/mobs without damaging them . This bug also works in Survival mode.

      This only works if the blocks/mob is within ~3 blocks of the breeze. Otherwise, the arrow will just not go through the block or it will damage the mob, respectively.

      See the video attached.

      How to Reproduce

      Refer to the image attached for the setup.

      Build a box that has an inside that has a volume of 23 blocks. The box can be built of any full block, including transparent blocks like glass.

      Summon a breeze with no AI inside of the box on the far front:

      /summon minecraft:breeze ~ ~ ~ {NoAI:1b}

      Get a bow and shoot at the breeze (works in both Survival and Creative).

      Note how the arrows will go through the player and the back wall when deflected by the breeze.

      If you make the back wall two blocks thick, the arrow will not go through the wall anymore, but it will not hurt the player if standing close enough to the breeze.

        1. Breeze Deflection Bug.mp4
          9.34 MB
        2. Breeze Setup.png
          Breeze Setup.png
          528 kB
        3. confirm. (2).mp4
          4.09 MB

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