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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-271530

Brushable blocks (suspicious sand and suspicious gravel) do not use the container_loot component like other lootable blocks in 1.20.5


    • Confirmed
    • Creative
    • (Unassigned)

      In 1.20.5, NBT was replaced by components, including the LootTable tag, but it seems to not have been applied to brushable blocks

      Steps to reproduce:


      1. Go to a world with commands enabled.
      2. Obtain a brush from creative mode.
      3. Use: 
        /give @p minecraft:chest[minecraft:block_entity_data={LootTable: "minecraft:archaeology/desert_pyramid", id: "minecraft:brushable_block"},minecraft:item_name='{"text":"Chest with loot 1.20.4 in 1.20.5 (works)"}']
      1. The version with block_entity_data in chest works.
      2. Use: 
        /give @p minecraft:chest[minecraft:container_loot={loot_table: "minecraft:archaeology/desert_well"},minecraft:item_name='{"text":"Chest with loot 1.20.5 (works)"}']
      1. The version with the component in chest works
      2. Use: 
        /give @p minecraft:suspicious_sand[minecraft:block_entity_data={LootTable: "minecraft:archaeology/desert_pyramid", id: "minecraft:brushable_block"},minecraft:item_name='{"text":"Suspicious sand with loot 1.20.4 in 1.20.5 (works)"}']
      1. The version with block_entity_data in suspicious_sand works.
      2. Use: 
        /give @p minecraft:suspicious_sand[minecraft:container_loot={loot_table: "minecraft:archaeology/desert_well"},minecraft:item_name='{"text":"Suspicious sand with loot 1.20.5 (don\'t work)"}']
      1. The version with the component in suspicious_sand does not work

      Additional notes: when using /data get on suspicious_sand, it gives block_entity_data LootTable, while other lootable blocks, such as chests, give container_loot component.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            Zailer43 Zailer43
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