Uploaded image for project: 'Minecraft: Java Edition'
  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-271398

Crafting ingredients remain in the grid after crafting certain items, causing item duplication


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 24w19a
    • 24w18a
    • None
    • Confirmed
    • Crafting

      Moderator Note

      Please do not add "me too" comments or screenshots/videos to this issue.
      Only comment if you have new information related to reproducing this issue.
      The best way you can indicate that an issue is important to you is to vote for it.
      Repetitive or unhelpful comments may be deleted or edited to reduce clutter.
      For more information please see the Bug Tracker Guidelines.

      When press shift + left click to craft 4 planks from 1 log, you recieve 4 planks but the log remains in the crafting grid.

        1. 2024-05-03 12-34-10 - Trim.mp4
          2.95 MB
        2. 2024-05-05_11.18.09.png
          395 kB
        3. 2024-05-06 09-11-25.mp4
          991 kB
        4. j.mp4
          7.12 MB
        5. Minecraft 24w18a - Singleplayer 2024-05-04 15-42-16.mp4
          8.10 MB
        6. Recipe Bug.mp4
          874 kB
        7. Untitled video.mp4
          801 kB

            gegy1000 [Mojang] Gegy
            Kidfury Skullfury
            44 Vote for this issue
            31 Start watching this issue
