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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-271344

Piglins immediately drop a bartering item if a gold ingot is spawned in their off-hand


    • Unconfirmed
    • (Unassigned)

      The Bug

      Piglins, when holding a gold ingot in their off-hand, will immediately drop a random item from the bartering loot table and not examine the gold ingot at all. This is unlike when it inspects the gold in its main hand for six seconds before trading a bartering item.

      How to Reproduce

      Go to the Nether, and run the command below to summon a piglin:

      /summon minecraft:piglin

      Optionally, run the command below to see how the piglin instantly trades the bartering item in one tick:

      /tick freeze

      Now, run the following command to give the piglin a gold ingot in its off-hand: (Note: this applies to all piglins in your simulation distance)

      /item replace entity @e[type=minecraft:piglin] weapon.offhand with minecraft:gold_ingot

      If you ran the /tick freeze command earlier, run the command below to see how the piglin instantly trades the bartering item without examining the gold for the usual 6 seconds.

      /tick step 1t

      Note how the piglin instantly trades the gold for a bartering item without examining it.

      Expected Result

      The piglin would inspect the gold for the usual six seconds before trading the bartering item, even if it is in the piglin's off-hand.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            Arnav78 Viradex
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