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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-271196

Sponges do not absorb water stored in Cauldrons


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Works As Intended
    • None
    • Minecraft 14w25a, 1.20.5, 1.20.6 Release Candidate 1, 1.20.6
    • Confirmed
    • Block states

      The Bug

      Sponges do not seem to absorb water that is stored in cauldrons. Even though there is no real reason for sponges to soak up water in cauldrons, it does cause some inconsistencies between water placed in the world and water stored in a cauldron. See my video attached.

      How To Reproduce

      1. Make a small area (no larger than a 7x7 area) and fill it with water. Place some cauldrons inside the pool of water and fill them with water.
      2. Place a dry sponge in the water. Note how the water placed in the world is soaked up, but the water in the cauldrons remains in the cauldron, with no visible differences.

      This can also be reproduced by simply filling a cauldron with water and placing it near a dry sponge on the same level. Even if the sponge is touching the cauldron, the water inside of it remains.

      Expected Behavior

      The water in the cauldron should disappear like with the water source to limit inconsistencies.

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            Arnav78 Viradex
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