Uploaded image for project: 'Minecraft: Java Edition'
  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-270324

"Are you sure you want to quit?" screen background can no longer be retextured


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Works As Intended
    • None
    • 24w14a
    • None
    • Confirmed
    • Textures and models, UI

      The bug

      From 24w09a to 24w13a, it was possible to change the texture used for the background of the "Are you sure you want to quit?" screen, like many other game menu screens. This no longer seems possible as of 24w14a.

      How to reproduce

      1. Apply the attached resource pack
      2. Die
      3. Use the quit button
      4. Observe

      Expected results

      A pink wool background, as was the case in the previous snapshot.

      Actual results

      It remains translucent red.

      How to fix

      The easiest solution to this regression would be to allow the death screen background to be retextured as well, just like the normal menu screen background. This would contradict MC-269079's resolution, but would make things much better for resource pack creators.

        1. 2024-04-03_15.28.52.png
          164 kB
          Connor Steppie
        2. 2024-04-03_15.39.42.png
          190 kB
          Connor Steppie
        3. 2024-04-03_15.39.45_2.png
          35 kB
          Connor Steppie
        4. 2024-04-03_15.39.45.png
          34 kB
          Connor Steppie
        5. 2024-04-03_15.42.00.png
          79 kB
          Connor Steppie
        6. 2024-04-03_15.42.16.png
          170 kB
          Connor Steppie

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            Awesoman3000 Connor Steppie
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