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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-269807

Textures of the loom and horse slots are located at wrong destination


    • Unconfirmed
    • UI

      The textures of the horse (llama_armor_slot, armor_slot, saddle_slot) and loom slots (banner_slot, dye_slot, pattern_slot) are located in the ".../textures/gui/sprites/container/horse" and ".../textures/gui/sprites/container/loom" folders, which is inconsistent with other slots - for example, slots of the enchanting table and the smithing table (empty_slot_lapis_lazuli, empty_slot_sword, etc.) the textures of which are located in the ".../textures/item" folder. 

      This issue should be fixed due to unexpected behavior when creating resource packages and other types of modifications.

      A possible solution of the issue:
      Renaming the above texture files to empty_slot_carpet, empty_slot_horse_armor, empty_slot_saddle, empty_slot_banner, empty_slot_dye, empty_slot_pattern respectively, and moving them to ".../textures/item" folder.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            Hm_Hm Dr_Hmom3k
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