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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-269733

Since version 1.16, you are unable to see the opposite sides of semi-transparent entities through their sides


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • None
    • 20w22a, 1.20.4, 24w12a, 1.20.5 Release Candidate 1
    • None
    • Confirmed
    • Rendering

      Prior to version 1.16, when a mob was semi-transparent due to invisibility in spectator mode or being in the same team with seeFriendlyInvisibles set to true, you could perceive other sides of the mob's model through the one you were directly looking at. This issue arises from the fact that only one transparent texture layer is rendered, rather than the two transparent sides you could previously see stacked behind each other. Consequently, it becomes more challenging to discern semi-transparent entities. Note: This problem also affects fabulous! graphics.

      Steps to test the bug

      1. Spawn a creeper
      2. Toss an invisibility potion towards it
      3. Enter spectator mode
      4. Examine the creeper from every angle

      Observation: It's not possible to see other sides through the sides you're observing, notably, you can't see the creeper's face when looking at its back, unlike pre-1.16.
      Expectation: You should still have the ability to see through the side you're directly observing, as was the case before 1.16. This would enable you to view the creeper's face even when looking at its back.

      I abide by Minecraft's community standards and prohibit the transfer of ownership of this bug report to others. I intend to retain possession of the bug report at all times.

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