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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-269407

Loading Terrain Screen is displayed, even if spawn-chunks are already loaded in 1.20.3+


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • None
    • 1.20.4, 24w11a
    • Confirmed
    • UI

      This refers to an older report, opened by myself (MC-267795).

      This bug was introduced with the 1.20.3 update, and has not been patched since. 

      Whenever a player dies in any version, from 1.20.3, upon respawning, there's a "Loading terrain..." screen, being thrown in their face. From what I was told, this has been added to prevent players from falling into the void, whenever a world isn't loading correctly (MC-228420).

      However, this screen is being displayed every time a player goes through the process of respawning, even if the spawn chunk is already being loaded.

      This can be extremely annoying whilst playing mini-game maps, especially if the gamerule "doImmediateRespawn" and "kill" commands are used a lot.

      From my experience, using mods, which most players do nowadays, makes the "Loading terrain..." screen display exponentially longer, depending on the mods in use (Comparison at 60hz: No mods / a few mods).

      Expected behaviour:

      Loading terrain screen won't be displayed, if involved chunks are already being loaded.


      Steps to replicate:

      1. Create a new world, set "Allow Commands" to "ON".
      2. Open the chat and paste the following commands: 
        /setworldspawn ~ ~ ~ (Sets the default spawnpoint to your current position)
        /gamerule spawnRadius 0 (Prevents you from respawning in nearby chunks)
        /gamerule doImmediateRespawn true (Enables immediate respawning, skipping the death screen)
        /forceload add ~ ~ (Permanently loads the chunk, you're positioned in) 
      1. (Step 3, formatting is buggy) Kill your character by opening the chat and pasting: 
        /kill @s 
      1. (Step 4, formatting is buggy) Repeat step 3, if you didn't notice the "loading terrain" screen (This might not be as noticable if your monitor uses a higher-end refresh rate).

            Unassigned Unassigned
            Arctico Arctico
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