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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-269100

TNT set with the block state "unstable=true" will not detonate if broken by a zombie, zombie villager, husk, drowned, or zombified piglin.


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • None
    • 1.20.4, 24w09a, 24w10a, 24w11a
    • None
    • Confirmed
    • (Unassigned)

      When a zombie, zombie villager, husk, drowned, or zombified piglin breaks TNT marked with the block state "unstable=true", the TNT won't ignite, unlike when it's broken by a player. To enable these undead creatures to destroy TNT, you must replace the block they're breaking with unstable TNT. To replicate this, ensure the game difficulty is set to hard and the gamerule "mobgriefing" is set to true. Then, obtain unstable TNT using the command

      /give @p tnt[minecraft:block_state={unstable:'true'}]

      . Next, allow a zombie, zombie villager, husk, drowned, or zombified piglin to break a block, such as a door, to access a villager.

      /summon minecraft:husk ~ ~ ~ {CanBreakDoors:1b}

      While it breaks the block, replace it with unstable TNT. You'll observe that the TNT remains inert when the undead creature completes breaking the block. Relates to MC-268932, MC-181076, MC-170158 and MC-257055.

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