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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-267466

Newly added copper items and autocrafter break without dropping the item


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • 23w51b
    • None
    • Mac OS 12.1, Java 17.0.8 (7)
    • Unconfirmed

      I can craft and place chiseled blocks, grates, trapdoors and doors from copper, but I have never successfully moved one of those items or blocks. All attempts to break them does not produce a dropped item. I've tried diamond pickaxes with or without the silk touch enchant. I've tried TNT. Blocks break, no items drop. Same problem with the oxidized variants. I noticed this on my snapshot realm when the newly craftable copper items were added and the problem persists.

      Similarly, I've been playing with the autocrafter. I've had to make a new autocrafter every time I've tried to break and move one. Pickaxes, axes - even silktouch, nothing drops.

      If this is a known problem, no searches including the word "copper" produce any results that address a similar problem. Am I somehow unique? I know there aren't a lot of Mac Minecrafters.

      My attached screenshot is from an experiment I conducted. No items dropped after the TNT exploded.


            Unassigned Unassigned
            Margus_von_Goon Mark Andrew Hirschler
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