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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-266029

Cured Villagers Cannot Restock until Game is Reloaded


    • Unconfirmed
    • (Unassigned)

      Villagers will very rarely restock in my game, despite being capable of restocking. Even after leaving the game running for multiple hours at a time, while within simulation distance of the villagers, I will come back and find that their trades are still locked.

      This bug is temporarily addressed by quitting and restarting the game, which allows the villagers to unlock their trades, as long as they are not over the daily limit. But they will quickly become trade locked again regardless, until the game is reloaded again.

      I was able to reproduce this bug in a brand new creative world by locking a farmer in a 1x1 cell, trading with it until it hit master level, and then infecting and curing it. This bug was not present before curing the Villager. The composter was broken and replaced, and particles observed to confirm the farmer had re-linked to the workplace before testing.


      This villager did not restock after a 2 hour AFK session immediately after trading with it. After quitting (to main menu) and reloading the game during work hours, it was then able to restock immediately.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            sicarious sicarious
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