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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-263110

Structure voids can still produce particles when fallen on from a height under certain circumstances


    • Community Consensus
    • Particles

      The bug

      MC-1133 was fixed in 23w18a, meaning that structure voids can no longer produce particles when fallen on from a height by falling on the edge of a different block. However, it's still possible to get them to produce particles by falling on top of them in other ways.

      How to reproduce

      1. Place a structure void
      2. Place a boat in the structure void, or a carpet on top of the structure void
      3. Fall on top of the carpet or boat from a sufficient height

      Expected results

      Falling on top of the boat would produce either no particles or particles of the respective wood type. Falling on top of the carpet would produce particles of that carpet.

      Actual results

      We get particles of the structure void instead.

      How to fix

      These would be fixed if MC-207949 and MC-261437 get fixed.

        1. 2023-06-01_14.03.54.png
          302 kB
          Connor Steppie
        2. 2023-06-01_14.04.06.png
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          Connor Steppie
        3. 2023-06-01_14.04.16.png
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          Connor Steppie
        4. 2023-06-01_14.04.28.png
          189 kB
          Connor Steppie

            Unassigned Unassigned
            Awesoman3000 Connor Steppie
            3 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
