When sniffers jump up or fall down a block while searching for seeds, they will cancel the animation and stop searching before attempting again.
It seems that the sniffer momentarily leaving the ground is what causes this, and that's why sniffers going up slabs doesn't cancel the animation as the sniffer isn't technically leaving the ground.
This makes it difficult for sniffers to successfully find seeds on hilly, non-flat terrain.
How to reproduce
- Create a flat world made of grass (the grass is necessary as it a type of block that the sniffer can dig).
- Spawn/summon a sniffer.
- Type in this command to get the sniffer to search for seeds faster: /data merge entity @e[type=minecraft:sniffer,limit=1] {Brain: {memories: {"minecraft:sniff_cooldown": {value:{}, ttl: 0L}}}}
- Once the sniffer does a big sniff, it will start searching. Right as this happens, either place or remove blocks in front of the sniffer to make it jump up or fall down.
- If the sniffer finds a seed before you get it to go up or down, repeat step 3 and 4 until you can get the sniffer to change in elevation.
Observed Result
The sniffer stops sniffing after jumping up or falling down momentarily (seen in attached videos).
Expected Result
The sniffer continues searching after jumping up or falling down.
- is duplicated by
MC-263219 Sniffer Loses scent if y level Changes
- Resolved