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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-260782

Wardens summoned with any NBT data (including an empty {} object) will immediately dig and despawn


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • 1.19.4 Pre-release 3
    • None
    • Unconfirmed
    • (Unassigned)

      Spawning a warden normally (with /summon warden or just a spawn egg) will cause them act normally, but as soon as you try summoning one with any NBT data, including simply:

      /summon warden ~ ~ ~ {}

      the warden will immediately perform its dig action and despawn.

      I seem to have figured out why this is happening: if you run the following command - 

      /data get entity @e[type=warden,limit=1,sort=nearest] Brain.memories

      on a normal warden, it will display one memory titled "dig_cooldown". However, running this same command on a warden summoned with NBT (you've gotta be fast, it will be actively digging away) will display a memory that's instead titled "sniff_cooldown". This memory appears to control when the warden can sniff, and some code relating to it may have been changed when the Sniffer was added (because the sniffer has a memory of exactly the same name that does something different).

            Unassigned Unassigned
            stormconure Conure
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