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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-258376

Debug sticks are placed in the middle of invisible blocks in the "Operator Utilities" tab


    • Confirmed
    • Inventory

      The bug

      In the optional "Operator Utilities" tab, the debug stick is placed in such a way that it appears in the middle of the list of invisible blocks in reading order.

      How to reproduce

      1. Enable and enter the "Operator Utilities" tab
      2. Note where the debug stick is

      Expected results

      The invisible blocks (barrier, structure void and light variants) would be continuous.

      Actual results

      The debug stick appears after the barrier and structure void, but before the lights.

      How to fix

      The debug stick should be moved somwhere else inside of the tab so that lights immediately follow the barrier and structure void.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            Awesoman3000 Connor Steppie
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