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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-253311

Resource Packs and /playsound not working as intended


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • 1.19
    • None
    • Unconfirmed
    • (Unassigned)

      Adding sounds to a resource pack inside the "records" folder is having many issues.

      To start this off, what I am doing here is making a data pack which allows me to add in more records to play along side the vanilla ones as well. These would be obtained through creepers and become part of their full loot table. All of that is working just fine. The problems exist with the resource pack and sounds.

      What I have recently done is added in two new songs into the "records" folder of the resource pack. And one of them while I was in game using the /playsound command would never play. Meanwhile the other one worked fine. I even opened the sounds in another program and they played just fine under the .ogg format.

      So I said maybe the game doesn't like this song and doesn't want to play it? So I went and removed that song from the resource pack to test another song, and this time again I used the /playsound command. And weirdly the old song still shows up in commands. Even after reloading the game, reloading textures with F3 + T, using /reload just in case it was the data packs, testing in worlds i've never used the data pack in. Somehow that song is still showing up in the game even tho it has been deleted.. And the new song that I added to the resource pack is just plainly not showing up at all in the /playsound music_disc options.

      I am not sure what resources I can give you to best resolve this? I can give you both the data pack and resource pack.

      Leaving images down below to show you that I added two songs.
      Fishermans Horizon and Coastline.
      Coastline was the one having issues not playing in the game, so I removed it and then added Beloved. Which as you can see in game is not showing up whatsoever in the command. I have reloaded the game and used F3 + T.

      For the love of god do NOT mark as "Invalid" I am reposting this BECAUSE I started the game up in a fresh 1.18.2 version that HAS NOT been touched by any modifications. Data Packs and Resource Packs are allowed and intended modifications and if those aren't working that is your guys issue to resolve.

      Here are two extra images showing that the resource pack is not working properly!

      !!!NOTE!!! fishermans_horizon plays completely fine. I am not sure what is going on here.

        1. reallyagain.png
          132 kB
        2. 2022-06-18_20.39.53.png
          837 kB
        3. 2022-06-18_20.40.06.png
          836 kB
        4. deletelater.png
          16 kB
        5. 2022-06-18_13.29.02.png
          145 kB

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            KreAtor Oakley Noble
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