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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-248628

Villages can cause water within swamps to generate in invalid states on slopes


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • None
    • 1.18.1, 22w06a, 1.18.2
    • None
    • Confirmed
    • World generation
    • Low
    • Platform

      The Bug:

      Villages can cause water within swamps to generate in invalid states on slopes.

      For clarification purposes, this issue is unrelated to chunk borders.

      Here is an example:

      Version: 1.18.2
      Seed: 3969471135687155145
      Coordinates: /execute in minecraft:overworld run tp @s 10575 73 1278 31 39

      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. Generate a world with the seed provided above and teleport to the given coordinates.
      2. Look closely at the water within the village.
      3. Take note as to whether or not villages can cause water within swamps to generate in invalid states on slopes.

      Observed Behavior:

      Water doesn't propagate.

      Expected Behavior:

      Water would propagate correctly.

        1. MC-248628.mp4
          7.39 MB
        2. MC-248628.png
          1018 kB

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            Avoma [Mod] Avoma
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