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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-247021

Nether wart and warped wart blocks no longer generate among the floor of crimson forest or warped forest biomes


    • Confirmed
    • World generation
    • Normal
    • Platform

      The Bug:

      Nether wart and warped wart blocks no longer generate among the floor of crimson forest or warped forest biomes.

      Prior to 1.18, nether wart and warped wart blocks would occasionally generate among the nylium floors of crimson forest and warped forest biomes. This no longer happens in more modern versions of the game.

      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. Locate a crimson/warped forest biome and look for patches of nether/warped wart blocks among the nylium floor.
      2. Take note as to whether or not nether wart and warped wart blocks no longer generate among the floor of crimson forest or warped forest biomes.

      Observed Behavior:

      Nether wart and warped wart blocks no longer generate among the floor.

      Expected Behavior:

      Nether wart and warped wart blocks would generate among the floor, just like how they did prior to 1.18.

        1. CrimsonForestJava.png
          1.42 MB
        2. WarpedForestJava.png
          1.74 MB

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