Uploaded image for project: 'Minecraft: Java Edition'
  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-241827

Partially generated structures from older versions can get cut off along chunk borders


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • 1.18 Pre-release 4, 1.18 Pre-release 5, 1.18 Pre-release 6
    • None
    • Confirmed
    • Datafixer
    • Important

      The bug

      Partially generated structures from older versions get cut off along chunk borders.

      To reproduce

      1. Open the attached world Test.zip.
        1. Alternatively, open a world in 1.15.2 with the following seed and teleport to the coordinates:
          Seed: -4086024126150179283
          Coordinates: -2100 80 700
        2. Close the world and open it in the newest version.
      2. /execute in minecraft:overworld run tp @s -2167.50 46.85 702.53 -93.60 30.75.

      Expected result

      Partially generated structures from older versions would not get cut off along chunk borders.

        1. 2021-11-17_21.03.02.png
          1.30 MB
          [Mod] ampolive
        2. 2021-11-17_21.03.09.png
          1.11 MB
          [Mod] ampolive

            Unassigned Unassigned
            ampolive [Mod] ampolive
            5 Vote for this issue
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