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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-239420

Block marker particle shows inaccurate textures in some cases


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • 21w42a
    • None
    • Confirmed
    • (Unassigned)

      A resource pack to fix known cases of this issue can be found attached to this ticket.

      The bug

      The newly added block_marker particle references the assigned particle texture for the block. This is prone to causing inaccurate results.

      Closely relates to MC-239407, which counts cases where no particle is defined at all.

      Also a close relative to MC-1874, which concerns the breaking particles of the blocks in question. Most cases can be fixed in the same way (although blocks like brewing stands differ between these cases: as block particles they pose problems, but for block_marker they're fine).

      List of cases

      Block Texture used Expected texture
      minecraft:chest Oak Planks Chest top
      minecraft:trapped_chest Oak Planks Chest top
      minecraft:ender_chest Obsidian Ender Chest top
      minecraft:creeper_head Soul Sand Creeper face
      minecraft:creeper_wall_head Soul Sand Creeper face
      minecraft:dragon_head Soul Sand Ender Dragon face
      minecraft:dragon_wall_head Soul Sand Ender Dragon face
      minecraft:player_head Soul Sand Steve face
      minecraft:player_wall_head Soul Sand Steve face
      minecraft:zombie_head Soul Sand Zombie face
      minecraft:zombie_wall_head Soul Sand Zombie face
      minecraft:skeleton_skull Soul Sand Skeleton face
      minecraft:skeleton_wall_skull Soul Sand Skeleton face
      minecraft:wither_skeleton_skull Soul Sand Wither Skeleton face
      minecraft:wither_skeleton_wall_skull Soul Sand Wither Skeleton face
      (all banners and wall banners) Oak Planks Banner post

      How to reproduce

      1. Summon the chest particle: /particle minecraft:block_marker chest
      2. Note how the oak planks texture is shown instead of a more chest-like texture
      3. Summon the creeper head particle: /particle minecraft:block_marker creeper_head
      4. Note how the soul sand texture is shown instead of any texture related to creepers

      How to fix

      Since these particles pull the texture from the particle texture defined in that block's model, all that needs done to fix these cases is to change the referenced texture by those models, and possibly add in those texture files as well.

      The resource pack attached, as of its v1.0 version, fixes this for all three chests, all twelve head-related blocks, and all thirty-two banner related blocks. The textures added are either Mojang assets or derivatives thereof.

      Download fix resource pack (v1.0): BlockMarkerFix-21w42a-v1.0.zip

      The textures added are as follows:

      • Chest and ender chest tops sourced from Bedrock Edition's assets
      • End portal and end gateway sourced from Bedrock Edition's assets, and resized to be 16x16 (from 16x17)
      • All non-dragon heads from the respective pre-1.8 item textures (may need Texture Update treatment)
      • Dragon head cropped from the ender dragon texture file (before Texture Update - not sure if it has changed since)
      • Banner cropped and assembled from the banner texture file

      The resource pack also fixes many cases listed in MC-1874, as well as fixing MC-2614 (which should probably be reviewed/reopened) and MC-239268.

        1. 2021-10-20_17.08.45.png
          360 kB
        2. 2021-10-20_17.21.44.png
          362 kB
        3. 2021-10-20_17.34.29.png
          336 kB
        4. 2021-10-20_17.34.31.png
          333 kB
        5. BlockMarkerFix-21w42a-v1.0.zip
          13 kB

            Unassigned Unassigned
            muzikbike Connor Steppie
            2 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
