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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-213646

Noticable freeze frame when walking through one specific chunk border


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • 1.16.5
    • None
    • Windows 10, Java v1.8.0_191, MC version was initially 1.16.4 but I updated to 1.16.5 and the problem persists
    • Unconfirmed
    • Survival
    • (Unassigned)

      When walking from chunk 17 3 -18 and then south to chunk 17 3 -17 I get a very noticable freeze frame but only if I have my render distance set to 10 chunks. Any other render distance doesn't seem to create the bug. I could not recreate the bug by using the same seed in a new world so here is a Google Drive link to the world download: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/14KwUwyRrLiDIEwOO1zDKI49U-CHvawry?usp=sharing 

      I also left my options.txt in case it's different for anyone else

      Edit: I just learned that this does not only apply to the 2 chunks I meantioned but applies to, what seems to me, all of the xx x -18 and south to xx x -17 chunks

      Edit 2: Just tested it with an Elytra and the bug does not seem to occur when going at a fast enough speed

      Edit 3: When going south from chunk xx x -19, through xx x -18 and into xx x -17 (the affected line of chunks) the freeze frame does not occur at all

      Edit 4: Here is a video (Read Edit 5 before watching video) https://youtu.be/jpNCfz-wMJo

      Edit 5: I failed to mention that I did recreate this bug in a VANILLA environment before submitting the bug. I tried it in both 1.16.4 and 1.16.5 using vanilla. I only recorded the video using OptiFine but the bug is NOT because of OptiFine since I tested it

      Edit 6: One thing I might add is that this does NOT happen when going north through the same chunk border

        1. options.txt
          3 kB
          Arnar Orri Bjarnason

            Unassigned Unassigned
            Orri321 Arnar Orri Bjarnason
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