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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-206537

Water and Lava Disappears Randomly


    • Unconfirmed
    • Survival
    • (Unassigned)

      [First of all sorry for my bad grammar.]

      While playing, I use buckets to preventing fall damage with water, farming, etc. And while using that, it disappears(bucket stays empty and water/lava disappears) sometimes, after that, If I right click, it spanws lava/water again, and sometimes, it stays on the block where I put the water/lava before, but it stays invisible. Like if you right click that block, it gives you water/lava. I do not know why this keeps happening, I searched this issue on this forum, but I did not find anything. Its getting annoying when it happens much.


      NOTE: It disappears randomly, not like putting water on it or etc. It just happens randomly. I do not use anything for that.

       It looks like MC-8930 but it is a bit different than that.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            SecretPlayer AHMET MERT KAYA
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