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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-203304

Certain blockstates are ignored when using /setblock


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • 1.16.3, 1.16.4 Release Candidate 1
    • None
    • Java: 1.8.0_51 64bit
      Windows 10 Pro 64bit version 2004
    • Unconfirmed
    • (Unassigned)

      The /setblock command does not create blocks using the blockstates defined by the user in their command, instead the placed block will change some of its blockstates to be the same as if the block had been placed by a hand.

      Below I have a few examples comparing 1.15 to 1.16 this most likely is not a list that contains all of the blockstates which are ignored upon creating a block with /setblock but it should hopefully give you a good idea of what the issue is so that it can be fixed.



      Ignored blockstates - "shape"

      Command used in example - "/setblock ~-3 ~ ~ minecraft:oak_stairs[facing=west, half=bottom, shape=inner_left, waterlogged=false]"



      Fence / Iron bars / Glass Pane:

      Ignored blockstates - "north", "east", "south", "west"

      Command used in example - "/setblock ~-3 ~ ~ minecraft:{oak_fence/iron_bars/glass_pane}[north=true, south=true, east=false, west=false, waterlogged=false]"






      Ignored blockstates - "up", "north", "east", "south", "west"

      Command used in 1.15 example - "/setblock ~-3 ~ ~ minecraft:cobblestone_wall[north=true, south=true, east=false, west=false, waterlogged=false]"

      Command used in 1.16 example - "/setblock ~-3 ~ ~ minecraft:cobblestone_wall[up=false, north=tall, south=low, east=none, west=none, waterlogged=false]"



      Fence gate:

      Ignored blockstates - "in_wall"

      Command used in example - "/setblock ~-3 ~ ~ minecraft:oak_fence_gate[facing=east, open=false, in_wall=false, powered=false]"


        1. stairs.gif
          56 kB
        2. stairs - 1.16.gif
          stairs - 1.16.gif
          89 kB
        3. fence - 1.15.gif
          fence - 1.15.gif
          58 kB
        4. fence - 1.16.gif
          fence - 1.16.gif
          52 kB
        5. iron_bars - 1.15.gif
          iron_bars - 1.15.gif
          56 kB
        6. iron_bars - 1.16.gif
          iron_bars - 1.16.gif
          40 kB
        7. glass_pane - 1.15.gif
          glass_pane - 1.15.gif
          60 kB
        8. glass_pane - 1.16.gif
          glass_pane - 1.16.gif
          75 kB
        9. wall - 1.15.gif
          wall - 1.15.gif
          88 kB
        10. wall - 1.16.gif
          wall - 1.16.gif
          57 kB
        11. fence_gate - 1.15.gif
          fence_gate - 1.15.gif
          102 kB
        12. fence_gate - 1.16.gif
          fence_gate - 1.16.gif
          91 kB

            Unassigned Unassigned
            Billy5804 Alex Royle
            1 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
