Resolution: Invalid
Idk where is the issue :/ to update in 1.16.3
function mountable_bees:enable_click
execute unless entity 0-0-0-0-AEC run summon minecraft:area_effect_cloud ~ ~ ~ {"Duration":-1,"Age":-2147483648,"WaitTime":-2147483648,"UUIDMost":0,"UUIDLeast":2796}
tp 0-0-0-0-AEC ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
execute store result score 0-0-0-0-AEC _pos_0 run data get entity 0-0-0-0-AEC Pos[0] 1000
execute store result score 0-0-0-0-AEC _pos_1 run data get entity 0-0-0-0-AEC Pos[1] 1000
execute store result score 0-0-0-0-AEC _pos_2 run data get entity 0-0-0-0-AEC Pos[2] 1000
execute store result score Global _pos1_0 run scoreboard players get 0-0-0-0-AEC _pos_0
execute store result score Global _pos1_1 run scoreboard players get 0-0-0-0-AEC _pos_1
execute store result score Global _pos1_2 run scoreboard players get 0-0-0-0-AEC _pos_2
execute as 0-0-0-0-AEC at @s run tp @s ^ ^ ^0.2
execute store result score 0-0-0-0-AEC _pos_0 run data get entity 0-0-0-0-AEC Pos[0] 1000
execute store result score 0-0-0-0-AEC _pos_1 run data get entity 0-0-0-0-AEC Pos[1] 1000
execute store result score 0-0-0-0-AEC _pos_2 run data get entity 0-0-0-0-AEC Pos[2] 1000
execute store result score Global _scratch1 run scoreboard players get 0-0-0-0-AEC _pos_0
execute store result score Global _scratch2 run scoreboard players get 0-0-0-0-AEC _pos_1
execute store result score Global _scratch3 run scoreboard players get 0-0-0-0-AEC _pos_2
scoreboard players operation Global _scratch1 -= Global _pos1_0
scoreboard players operation Global _scratch2 -= Global _pos1_1
scoreboard players operation Global _scratch3 -= Global _pos1_2
execute store result score Global _delta_0 run scoreboard players get Global _scratch1
execute store result score Global _delta_1 run scoreboard players get Global _scratch2
execute store result score Global _delta_2 run scoreboard players get Global _scratch3
execute at @s positioned ~ ~-0.4 ~ as @e[type=minecraft:pig,tag=SaddleHolder,sort=nearest,limit=1,distance=..0.1] run function mountable_bees:line046/execute019
scoreboard players set Global _scratch0 0