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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-202757

Nether Portals can keep players trapped


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
    • None
    • 1.16.3, 1.19 Pre-release 2
    • None
    • Confirmed
    • Player

      The Bug

      I am on a vanilla installation of 1.16.3 and made a nether portal. On one end, nothing is changed, but the other is blocked off from both sides. When entering the portal from the normal side, you get trapped in the other. You can still open the pause menu but not the chat so it is impossible to, say. call for help if you're onĀ  server or /home. Also, since I dont have a pickaxe, the only way out is to break an obsidian block with my unaided hands, as you must re-enter the portal to trigger it to the other side. This was tested on a vanilla single player world.


      • Build a Nether Portal
      • Go through it
      • Block both sides with obsidian
      • Go back to the overworld
      • Go back into the nether with the portal built earlier

      Observed Result

      You were trapped in the portal

      Expected Result

      You wouldn't be trapped

        1. 2020-10-24_14.24.06.png
          200 kB
        2. 2024-12-11_11-20-12.mp4
          7.70 MB
        3. test - Copy.zip
          8.18 MB

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            skeletonsmith skeleotn smith
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