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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-202037

The hand animation is played when trying to interact with villagers or wandering traders that are currently being traded with by other players


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • None
    • 1.16.3, 1.16.4 Pre-release 1, 1.16.4 Pre-release 2, 1.16.4 Release Candidate 1, 1.16.4, 20w48a, 21w11a, 1.17.1, 21w40a, 1.18 Pre-release 5, 1.18.1, 22w03a, 22w05a, 22w07a, 1.19, 1.19.1, 1.19.2, 22w44a, 1.19.3, 1.19.4, 1.20.1, 1.21
    • Confirmed
    • Player Animation

      The Bug:

      The hand animation is played when trying to interact with villagers or wandering traders that are currently being traded with by other players.

      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. Summon a villager and place a workstation nearby so that it receives a job.
      2. Get two players and label them "Player A" and "Player B".
      3. Get "Player A" to interact with the villager.
      4. Get "Player B" to attempt to interact with the same villager, and they do this, get them to watch their hand closely.
      5. Take note as to whether or not the hand animation is played when trying to interact with villagers or wandering traders that are currently being traded with by other players.

      Observed Behavior:

      The hand animation is played.

      Expected Behavior:

      The hand animation would not be played.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            Avoma [Mod] Avoma
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