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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-198511

[Exploit] [Save/Load] The player's character is immune to damage for a few seconds after loading the savefile


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • 1.16.2
    • Windows 10
    • Unconfirmed
    • (Unassigned)

      The player's character is immune to any form of damage for a few seconds after loading any savefile on either Survival or Hardcore modes. Please note, that the issue occurs only for the player's character - if, for example, the character is riding a horse, then after performing Save/Load the horse will still take damage. Due to this, the player can use the exploit to easily avoid any damage, especially in the Hardcore mode, where dying ends the Walkthrough. Please refer to the video, which showcases how the exploit's severity. Unfortunately the video was too big to attach to the report.
      Please note, that the issue could only be checked on the PC platform, as our technicians do not have access to any other platform. However, if you send me the other platforms, I will be happy to crosscheck it.


      1. Launch the title in version 1.16.2 on the PC platform
      2. Either load an already existing savefile or create a new one on Survival or Hardcore mode
      3. Search for a location from which the player can fall and take any fall damage
      4. Jump from the aforementioned location
      5. Open Pause Menu before the character hits the ground
      6. Select Save and Quit to Title
      7. Load that savefile
      8. Pay attention if the character takes any damage after hitting the ground

            Unassigned Unassigned
            Xardas80 Kamil Kęder
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