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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-192982

Loot Table function enchant_randomly can give Non-Stored Enchantments to books if another function enchants it first.


    • Confirmed
    • (Unassigned)

      The Bug

      The game has two kinds of enchantments, StoredEnchantments for books and Enchantments for everything else. The loot table function enchant_randomly will give the wrong kind of enchantment to books if another function has already enchanted it.

        "type": "minecraft:chest",
        "pools": [
            "rolls": {
              "min": 4.0,
              "max": 8.0,
              "type": "minecraft:uniform"
            "entries": [
                "type": "minecraft:item",
                "functions": [
                    "function": "minecraft:enchant_with_levels",
                    "levels": 30,
                    "treasure": true
                      "function": "enchant_randomly",
                      "enchantments": [
                "name": "minecraft:book"

      The same thing happens if the function enchant_randomly is used twice, with the second enchantment being bugged.

      If the function enchant_randomly is used on its own, then it gives a StoredEnchantment as intended.

      If the function enchant_randomly is used, then enchant_with_levels, then enchant_with_levels won't give any enchantments at all.

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