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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-187134

Your tools randomly disappear when riding on boat or randomly scrolling though hot bar.


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • 20w22a
    • None
    • My machine is a:
      Acer Nitro 5 2017 Issue, with Intel Core i5, 7th generation processors, and an Nvidia Geforce GTX 1050 graphics card. I don't know more but I left the f3 screen open so you can view any more information.
    • Unconfirmed
    • (Unassigned)

      While playing on the current snapshot, my hand will disappear if I scroll through my items on my hot bar. Items that have a right-click feature with them such as a water bucket, doors, and tools will then be unusable. When your hand "disappears" with the tool, you will slightly see the tool just below your field of view, their left-click feature works fine but not the left click. From my personal testing, this actually affects all the tools in the game, some blocks, and any crop or block that you can interact with.

      one special case comes from the sword, as you will see in the screenshots I've attached. I cannot hit the zombies with the sword and whenever I try to hit them, the cool-down icon stays on screen and no damage is given to the zombie. Hitting the zombies with a free hand, however, damaged the zombie. 

      I can fix the issue by exiting the world and then entering it again, but the issue happens again at random times making anything difficult. 

        1. Missing Hand Bug .png
          853 kB
          Daniel Huerta
        2. No Attack .png
          612 kB
          Daniel Huerta

            Unassigned Unassigned
            UnintendedSheep Daniel Huerta
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