Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
Snapshot 13w25b
Windows 7 latest Java
This is similar issue to an early bug report but I have done hours of research and my last error was based on a spelling error
This error is based on 3 command blocks:
A, B, and C
Command block A states the following:
scoreboard players set @a test 1
Test being a previously named objective. Because command block A my score for the test objective is now 1 (which i can see based on the "sidebar" scoreboard.
This is where it gets bugged:
Command block B:
testfor @a[score_test=1,score_test_min=1]
because my score is 1 this should provide a True output, but for some reason it is not . When a comparator is attached to the command block it should provide an output (when that command block gets powered of course) which is not happening in this case
But finally the strangest part:
Command block C:
testfor @a[score_test=1]
For some strange reason this IS returning true (therefore does have an output when powered).
It might be that I'm am doing something wrong or that this is a jar-specific bug, but I have created new worlds, re-installed minecraft, and I just cant get a resolution to this. Thank you for your time!
please excuse the red font but that has to do with the way this forum works