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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-182434

Villagers And Farmers Not Pickup Food And Don't Breeding


    • Unconfirmed
    • Survival
    • (Unassigned)


      I'm trying to create villagers farms in the Snapshot 20w18a version. I built several types of farms.

      I tried to build in a server environment and singleplayer, throwed a couple of food types to the Farmer and The regular Villagers, build in different biomes,

      build in super flat world with no other Villagers or any kind of mobs, i even waited for a few "Game Days" in the world thinking that maybe there is any delay to Villagers breeding. nothing has changed.

      In the end I couldn't get the Villagers to breed and Farmer to grow crops after all possible attempts.
      I am convinced that there is a bug in the Villagers Mechanics of this version.

      Note: The farms I built in this version worked when I built them in Release 1.15.2


      *Attached are screenshots of one of the designs.



        1. 2020-05-04_22.45.22-1.png
          2.47 MB
          Matan Mesika
        2. 2020-05-04_22.45.29-2.png
          1.46 MB
          Matan Mesika
        3. 2020-05-04_22.45.38-1.png
          2.45 MB
          Matan Mesika
        4. 2020-05-04_22.45.43-1.png
          2.40 MB
          Matan Mesika

            Unassigned Unassigned
            CustomKiller Matan Mesika
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            1 Start watching this issue
