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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-176985

20w14inf preformance issue (new dimentions)


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Invalid
    • None
    • 20w13b
    • None
    • i have a very good pc i7 9700k, rtx 2080 and 32 gigs ram (half year old) java was up to date: no, its not my pc
    • Unconfirmed

      So i was, testing the new snapshot. made a portal with crying obsidian around obsidian and threw a random from the box of inf books. got a world full of endstone, leaves and endermen (screenshot). my preformance went from 300 to 400 fps 15 chunks render distance to 20 to 5 fps 2 render distance. the drop of frames was from the leaves deteriorating.

      sorry that is says 20w13b but at the time of writing you can't select 20w14infinite


        1. mcbug.png
          767 kB
          Wojciech Wojtyla

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            wojt_exe Wojciech Wojtyla
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