Resolution: Duplicate
Java on Mac OSX Yosemite
Put the summary of the bug you're having here
What I expected to happen was...:
The boats would fully disappear after I stood on the boat-killer block
What actually happened was...:
The visual part of the boat was destroyed, but the player kept levitating, and randomly crouching. When I reload, they are deleted, but they still cause a huge issue with the map I'm making
Steps to Reproduce:
- Get the command_block in creative.
- Create a fast clock using command blocks that switch one or multiple blocks from redstone blocks to stone blocks to redstone blocks...
- On the stone/redstone blocks, put command blocks with the insides:
/execute as @a at @s if block ~ ~.35 ~ minecraft:yellow_terracotta run kill @e[type=boat] /execute as @a at @s if block ~ ~-.35 ~ minecraft:yellow_terracotta run spawnpoint @s /execute as @a at @s if block ~ ~.35 ~ minecraft:orange_terracotta run summon minecraft:boat ~ ~ ~ /execute as @a at @s if block ~ ~-.35 ~ minecraft:red_terracotta run kill @s
- Both of these command blocks should be on Impulse, Unconditional, and Needs Redstone.
- Place some orange_terracotta, some yellow_terracotta and some red_terracotta, so that you can interact with these Schrödinger's boats. I would recommend using the setup in the attached picture.
If needed I can record my point of view to get to the bottom of this bug.
- duplicates
MC-136160 The server doesn't send information about entity death to dead players
- Resolved