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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-172445

Chicken spawning in the Nether.


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • 20w07a
    • None
    • Windows 10
    • Unconfirmed

      Hello Mojang Team.

      So recently while exploring the Nether in Snapshot 20w07a, I have encountered a rather bizarre creature in the Nether. 

      A chicken.

      I thought this was very unusual, but then again, Snapshots are about experimentation and community feedback, so bugs are bound to happen. I only found one chicken after hanging around the Nether for around ~45 minutes, and was next to some gravel shores. I don't know if that location could help, but I have run into that chicken once.

      Hope this helps in getting everything prepared for 1.16! 

      Cheers! -NotRTGame


        1. 2020-02-15_20.39.49.png
          1.63 MB
          Blaine Joseph Stormer
        2. 2020-02-15_20.56.20.png
          1.60 MB
          Blaine Joseph Stormer

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            JustAnAverageMedic Blaine Joseph Stormer
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