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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-169093

serious generation problems when modifying vanilla structures with structures blocks


    • Unconfirmed
    • (Unassigned)

      Problem :

      When you change the content of a vanilla structure like a meeting_point or a street the game wont or wrong generate the village
      screenshot (1.png ; 2.png) :
      to do some test i have saved vanilla streets with blue wool on it (size of the structure not modified)

      And you can't add your own structures to a jigsaw pool (I want to create an incredible number of new building).

      Description :

      Now all village i see (4 or 5) have their streets structures separated by grass blocks and don't have more than one house if they have one

      P.S: The natural generation of structures are already hard and bugs aren't easy to detect because you can't know if it's you the problem. Please take time to do a lot of test like you are a player doing a datapack because replacing structures of the game are realy realy bad.

        1. 2.png
          2.15 MB
        2. 1.png
          1.82 MB

            Unassigned Unassigned
            cececoul Cédric Marty
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