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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-167420

Attempting to place paintings or item frames against invalid blocks does not immediately default to other potential valid placements


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • None
    • 1.14.4, 1.15 Pre-release 7, 1.15.1 Pre-release 1, 1.15.2 Pre-Release 1, 1.15.2 Pre-release 2, 20w06a, 20w07a, 20w08a, 20w09a, 20w10a, 20w11a, 20w12a, 20w13a, 20w21a, 1.16 Pre-release 2, 1.16 Pre-release 3, 1.16 Pre-release 4, 1.16 Pre-release 5, 1.16 Pre-release 7, 20w28a, 20w29a, 20w30a, 1.16.2 Pre-release 1, 1.16.2, 20w45a, 20w51a, 21w03a, 1.16.5, 21w05b, 21w06a, 21w08b, 21w10a, 21w11a, 21w13a, 21w14a, 21w15a, 21w16a, 21w17a, 21w18a, 21w19a, 21w20a, 1.17 Pre-release 1, 1.17 Release Candidate 2, 1.17, 1.17.1, 1.19, 24w12a
    • Confirmed
    • (Unassigned)

      Originally came up with this issue in the late 1.13 snapshots, but never bothered to make a ticket on it until today.

      Create the setup shown in the screenshots and try placing a sign against the side of the torch. Since it cannot be placed there it defaults to the side of a neighbouring block, another valid position. However, trying to place an item frame or painting using this trick will fail entirely instead of using the alternative valid placements.

        1. 2019-12-10_00.10.08.png
          658 kB
          Connor Steppie
        2. 2019-12-10_00.09.50.png
          646 kB
          Connor Steppie
        3. 2019-12-10_00.10.06.png
          635 kB
          Connor Steppie
        4. 2019-12-10_00.09.31.png
          366 kB
          Connor Steppie

            Unassigned Unassigned
            Awesoman3000 Connor Steppie
            8 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
