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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-163893

Held item lighting in first person doesn't change accordingly in relation with light sources


    • Confirmed
    • Rendering
    • Important

      The bug

      Back in 1.14 and before, in first person the item's on-model shadows changed accordingly to light (blocks that glow, the moon, the sun), but now the shadows don't change, not even with a really near light source.

      The only item that I found that works as it should is the trident, the shadows change accordingly to the enviroment.

      Update: The bug has been partially fixed in 19w45, but the lighting still behaves a little weirdly.

      To reproduce

      1. Be in first person mode
      2. Pick any item and then hold it
      3. Pick any source of light (the sun, the moon, a torch, etc)
      4. Move your point of view in relation to the source of light.

      Do this in 1.14.4 (or any previous version), and then in 19w42a

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            Nightwind8887 Nightwind8887
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