The command of give allows the player to obtain objects with enchantments, as intended. The following command functions perfectly:
_/give Player diamond_sword{Enchantments:[
However, the command does not check whether the enchantment is defined or not. Therefore, it is possible to type something as follows, which will execute:
_/give Player diamond_sword{Enchantments:[
{id:"asdf",lvl:3}, {id:"asfd",lvl:3}]}_
This will give the targeted player an enchanted diamond sword that is identical to a normal one, but the two undefined enchantments are still stored within the level.dat file, in the player inventory (shown in Capture, Capture2 and Capture3). This takes up computer space that is entirely unnecessary.
Furthermore, if you misspell the word Enchantments, the sword will not be enchanted, but the data will also be stored in level.dat. For example,
_/give Player diamond_sword{Something:[
gives the Player a diamond sword without any difference from a normal one, but the attribute "Something" is stored in level.dat
(shown in Capture4 and Capture5).