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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-161185

summoning a commandblock with a command to summon a FallingSand


    • Unconfirmed
    • Creative
    • (Unassigned)

      when i try to summon a command block that has a summon command for another command block in it it will say:

      expected '}' at position 241: ...te:

      {Name:"<-[HERE] even if all the caps are in place? you can recreate it with this {code:java}

      /summon falling_block ~2 ~ ~ {BlockState:{Name:"minecraft:redstone_block",Time:1,Passengers:[{id:"minecraft:falling_block",BlockState:


      ,TileEntityData:{Command:"/summon falling_block ~2 ~ ~ {BlockState:




      it's weird that the first command block cares for an optional thing in a summoned object,
      if you made a typo in the summoned command blocks command, it sould still be summoned.

      because it's just text that should be included in the block

            Unassigned Unassigned
            king-Bsoul Bjarne Crone Søllner
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