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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-154806

Jobless Villagers "steal" workstations from apprentice+ villagers


    • Unconfirmed
    • Survival
    • (Unassigned)

      I put my base location a little way away from a village so they wouldnt steal my bed.
      i went in and traded with the farmer and cartographer till they were both apprentice level.

      I go away for a while, come back and theres a new farmer even tho i haven't placed any new jobblock, and i see my apprentice farmer is still around, but he doesnt go to his workstation anymore.

      if i try to put down a workstation only a jobless villager reacts to it, so he will not grab a new one before the whole village is full of farmers it seems.


      I think it happend because I went far away from the village and when the game loaded it in again it just picked whoever was closest to take the job block and everyone got jumbled that way.

      this has been an issue since 1.14 for me.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            pandaladie Joomi
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