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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-150736

Player position desync on Servers.


    • Unconfirmed
    • (Unassigned)

      Only on multiplayer, when trying to teleport a player to an entity constantly, it can cause a desync where players can walk around, destroy blocks, hit entities, but cannot place blocks or interact with buttons, pressure plates, chests, or command blocks.

      If you summon anything at your relative coordinates, it will summon it at the entity that you're being teleported to. You don't take damage if you jump into the void and once you stop teleporting the player to the entity, the player instantly jumps to the entity.



      Here are some commands to replicate this.
      In a repeating always active command block/function :

       execute if entity @e[tag=hold] as @p at @e[tag=hold,limit=1] run tp @p ~ ~ ~


      In an impulse command block :

       execute at @p anchored feet positioned as @p run summon minecraft:area_effect_cloud ~ ~ ~




      Just put a button on the impulse command and press it and it will summon an Area effect cloud at your feet, and then the bug will begin.

      Just a note that this does NOT happen on Single player.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            Cheeeeeeeeze Cheeze
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