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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-150155

Problem with Server in 1.14


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Invalid
    • None
    • Minecraft 1.14
    • None
    • Minecraft Server from German Server Hoster. 3GB RAM - 6 Slots ; running on 1.14 - CPU and RAM should be able to handle around 15 players, but are not even able to handle 1 player.
    • Unconfirmed
    • (Unassigned)

      Hello Community,

      me and my friends planned to enjoy the 1.14 update on a newly bought server. The first day this went down south rather fast. The server was completly laggy and unplayable so we decided to switch provider even if it means paying double in the end... This helped out for a single day. After that the Server went back to full RAM usage (3GB RAM) even if there is just a single player on it and also its using the full amount of CPU given to it. We talked with the provider and were even given new Hardware but nothing changed the situation. People got timeouts and in general were not able to play. After restarting the Server noone was able to join anymore. Minecraft is now just saying "Old"  as the server Version even tho it is definetely the right version! I put on a Backup of our world ( losing 1 day of progress ) and everything seemed fine again. After a while tho it started to lag again. (not even able to eat) We left the Server yesterday at around 21:00 because the lag couldnt be handled by us making it not enjoyable. Today we wanted to try playing again but it is saying "Old" and noone is able to join! Restarts fix nothing, it just says the same. By looking at the console i can tell something isnt working right and im assured that this has to do with the new Minecraft Version. ( I will attach the log of a single start even tho they seem to differentiate a bit from time to time). It gets stuck on "Preparing Spawn Area 0%" spamming it up to 20 times and always comes to an end on "Error executing task on Chunk source main thread executor for minecraft:overworld java.util.concurrent.CompletionException: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space". Since im not much of a Java-Guy myself this doesnt give me alot of Information. Maybe someone here is able to help. Is something wrong with our Server or is it rather the Minecraft version? Will this be fixed within 1.14.1? And is there any ETA on 1.14.1 ? Our Servertime is ticking down without us even being able to play on there. This is really unfortunate considering we already payed double the price after changing provider  If there is any other information I can give you just let me know!

        1. log.txt.txt
          64 kB
          Janosch Timmer

            Unassigned Unassigned
            Yoshi14502 Janosch Timmer
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